Suuqa suuqa, is-weydaarsiga bangiga maanta
Waraaqda saamiyada ee 71229 shirkadood waqtiga dhabta ah.
Suuqa suuqa, is-weydaarsiga bangiga maanta

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Ka faa'iideyso saamiyada shirkadda

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Saamiyada saamiga shirkadaha. Xaggee lacag lagu maalgeliyaa?

Kharashka saamiyada Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services

Saamiyada Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services maanta, qiimaha INLOT.AT stock online hadda, wadaag qiimaha Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services.
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INLOT.AT = 0.60 Euro
-0.015 EUR (-2.5%)
Isbeddelka sicirka bedelka laga soo bilaabo shalay

Ku beddel Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ee Euro celcelis ahaan heerka hadda taagan. Qiimaha saamiga saamiyada wuxuu leeyahay qiime celcelis ahaan maalintii. Qiimaha saamiyada ee laga keenay ilo la xaqiijiyay. 1 saamiyada Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services "wuxuu ku noqday mid ka raqiisan 0.015 Euro. 1 saamiyada ah Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services hadda waxaad u baahan tahay inaad bixiso 0.60 saamiga Euro). Heerka Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services sicirka ayaa hoos u dhacay marka loo eego Euro by -244 boqol meelood meel dhibic boqolkiiba.


Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services qiimaha saamiga ee shirkadda Euro

Usbuuc ka hor, Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services waa lagu iibin karaa 0.63 Euro. Saddex bilood ka hor, Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services waxaa loo iibsan karaa 0 Euro. Saddex sano ka hor, Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services waxaa lagu beddeli karaa 0.17 Euro. -4% usbuucii - isbedelka sicirka saamiyada ee Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services. Bishii, Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ee Euro sicirka saamiga ayaa isbadalay 0%. Sannadka oo dhan, Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services gudaha Euro sicirka saamiga ayaa is beddelay 0%.

Usbuucii Bisha 3 bilood Sannad 3 sano

Qodobbada saamiyada Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services Euro

1 INLOT.AT 0.60 Euro
5 INLOT.AT 3 Euro
10 INLOT.AT 6 Euro
25 INLOT.AT 15 Euro
50 INLOT.AT 30 Euro
100 INLOT.AT 60 Euro
250 INLOT.AT 150 Euro
500 INLOT.AT 300 Euro

Maanta 6 EUR = 10 saamiga INLOT.AT. Waad ku iibin kartaa 15 Euro oo loogu talagalay 25 saamiga Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services. Maanta, 30 Euro waa la iibin karaa 50 saamiyada of Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services. Maanta, 100 saamiyada of Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services waa la iibin karaa 60 Euro. Maanta 250 saamiyada of INLOT.AT = 150 EUR. Hadaad leedahay 500 saamiyada of Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services, ka dibna gudaha Austria waa la iibin karaa 300 Euro.

INLOT.AT taariikhda qiimaha saamiyada

Taariikhda Rate Isbeddel
04/05/2023 0.6 EUR -
03/05/2023 0.6 EUR -0.015 ↓
02/05/2023 0.62 EUR -0.005 ↓
28/04/2023 0.62 EUR -0.005 ↓
27/04/2023 0.63 EUR -

1 saamiyada ah Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ee Euro wuxuu hadda ku jiraa 4 May 2023 - 0.6 Euro. 3 May 2023, 1 saami oo ah Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services = 0.6 Euro. Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ee Euro ee 2 May 2023 - 0.62 Euro. Ugu badnaan INLOT.AT / Heerka EUR heerka bishii ugu dambeysay ayaa ahaa 27/04/2023. Heerka ugu yar Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ee Euro heerka wuxuu ku jiray 04/05/2023.

Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services

Hal qayb oo ka mid ah Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services maanta waxay u taagan tahay 0.60 €. Qiimaha INLOT.AT ayaa isbeddelay ilaa -2.5% ama -0.015 EUR tan iyo maalintii ugu dambeysay ee ganacsiga. Waxaad ka iibsan kartaa 100 saamiyada Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services ah 60 Euro ama iibin 50 saamiyada INLOT.AT ee 30 Euro.

Kharashka saamiyada Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services

Maaliyadda Intralot S.A. Integrated Lottery Systems and Services

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